Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Calling All BLACK HATS to Comment on The Science Teacher Who Fed a Live Puppy to a Snapping Turtle

Robert Crosland, Preston Junior High School Science Teacher
Reportedly fed a live and conscious puppy to a snapping turtle in front of students.

At first, I thought this was fake news. A retired U.S. Navy Captain (and my neighbor) told me about a Preston, Idaho science teacher who fed a live (and conscious) puppy to a snapping turtle in front of his students. My friend the captain said he actually cried when he heard the report. I get a lot of stories that are "fake news" and decided to follow up on this. For the several hundred thousand of you who periodically check into this site, I sadly report this is a true story. Here is the CBS news story, but you can Google further to satisfy yourselves as to its accuracy (see story here).

Even further infuriating is the fact that thousands of people have signed a petition in support of this teacher, saying in effect, "Awh, this was just the cycle of life." It is reported that the dying puppies cries could be heard all over the school.

Without lapsing into the profanity raging through my mind, let me suggest that Robert Crosland needs to experience that same "cycle of life."As do the citizens of the city of Preston, Idaho who signed that petition supporting this monster. I wonder if his wife's name is Eva Braun Crosman?

IMHO, there are very few righteous hacks. Retribution against Crosland, his school, and the wonderful people of Preston who support him, might be justified. Your thoughts?

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