Why a new international doctrine? Simply, nothing else will work. Introduced on December 2, 1823, the Monroe Doctrine told the world to keep their hands off the Americas. Combine this with current legal thinking on "hot pursuit" of fugitives. In 1917 the US Army went into Mexico after Pancho Villa. More recently, in 1960 Israeli Mossad agents abducted Adolf Eichmann from Argentina. Granted, much of the world regards the Eichmann adventure as a violation of international law. I don't share that opinion and therefore use it as the third leg of my Monroe-Pancho-Aldof platform for The Morgan Doctrine.
If someone comes into your home and attacks or attempts to rob you, you may shoot them dead. You may do so as long as they expire on your property. But what about cyber criminals? They attack you in your home from their homes. Retaliate in kind, and you go to jail. The Morgan Doctrine states simply that if you attack my computers (or my banking assets held in US-based computers), then under a certain set of well-defined conditions, a licensed and bonded "cyber privateer" may attack you in your home country and split the proceeds with the U.S. government. For the sake of argument, let's call it a 50-50 split (heh heh).
Right now, American law enforcement is completely unequipped to deal with the sheer number international cyber hackers. Sure, I could report each of the thousand daily attacks to the FBI, as could the millions of other attackees in the USA. But the volume of such reports would make any meaningful resolution laughable. Not to mention that the FBI has no jurisdiction outside the USA. Yet to make such "enforcement" profitable to recognized (ie, "bonded" "deputized") privateers, as Heath Ledger's Joker said in his last role, "Now you're talking!" You raid our bank accounts, we raid yours. You make money from off-shore child pornography, we're going to loot your bank accounts and, with some REALLY creative black hat operations, you will be taken off the grid worldwide to the extent that you'll not even complete a cell phone conversation for the remainder of your miserable depraved life. Okay, that last part probably won't fly, but you get my drift.
The purpose of this site is to explore the mechanics, legalities and practicality of The Morgan Doctrine.
And I will be the sole arbiter of whether or not your comments get posted. As Mel Brooks wrote, "It's good to be king."
Have you seen http://www.haftofthespear.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/Buccaneer.com_.pdf ?
ReplyDeleteI hadn't seen the article, but on reviewing the comment about vested parties carefully working out the rules of engagement may become irrelevant. The first nation/state to issue Letters of Marque and Reprisal will own the rule book, for good or for bad. Over time, the rules will become so bureaucratic and cumbersome that the advantages to the cyber privateer will wane. I fantasize about some government granting me the first LoMaR, because I know just who I'd contract with to make a pretty big, one-time profit. And no, I'm NOT playing those cards face up.