Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Russian Cyberthieves Roach 420,000 Websites for 1.2 Billion Usernames/Passwords

Yesterday's Register story simply boggles my mind (read it here): "Hackers nick '1.2B passwords' — but where did they come from?" My comment posted yesterday says it all:

That's the trouble with playing defense only. The Morgan Doctrine is the only answer to this sad state of affairs. Period.

Far more interesting are the rest of the 50 posted comments. People are mad, venting, and simply unable to posit a workable solution to the problem. The "bad guys" continue to laugh at us, because U.S. cyber law has us playing the game with both hands tied behind our backs. Now that the college football season is about to start, maybe we'll see what happens to a coach who has his team playing defense only. Oh wait, there isn't such a coach. And if one turns up, he's sure to be fired before the end of the season.

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Implementation suggestions for THE MORGAN DOCTRINE are most welcome. What are the "Got'chas!"? What questions would some future Cyber Privateering Czar have to answer about this in a Senate confirmation hearing?