Net net: Even "…the world's first, truly ball-breaking cyber vigilantes…" are thinking twice about attacking somone who can really come and get them. Yep cyber privateering fans, deterrence works.Anonymous Seen Backing Down From Drug-Cartel Attack
Early in my cyber privateering odyssey, I wrote about high-reward/high-risk privaeering analytics (see story here). I know the story hit home, because this posting from October 20, 2010 is in my top-ten all-time most-read stories. Over 78% of the Revolutionary War licensed and bonded privateers were killed or captured. That probably dampened the enthusiasm of would-be cyber privateers, especially ones who realized that bad guys—be they Russian mobs or rogue governments—don't play by the rules. I summed it up in the last sentence of my penultimate paragraph:
Will we find body parts from that privateer, along with those from friends and family, strewn in various public places?But let's look at that glass of pus as half empty, rather than half full. The existence of well-funded and fully legal mercenaries would be a tremendous deterrent to all but the most ardent adventurers. And the first billion-dollar cyber privateer bank bounty would even put a check in China's golf swing.
Happy Presidents Day.
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Implementation suggestions for THE MORGAN DOCTRINE are most welcome. What are the "Got'chas!"? What questions would some future Cyber Privateering Czar have to answer about this in a Senate confirmation hearing?