Monday, February 28, 2011

NY Senator: "Switch to HTTPS"

Just a tip-of-the-iceberg realization today from NY Senator Charles Schumer, who suggested to online companies that they go to HTTPS. Bad news, Senator. That won't cut it. All transactions with Amazon et al are HTTPS already. As I've said before, we need a from-the-ground-up redesign of the Internet, scrapping TCP/IP because it is inherently flawed. I've had several notes from hackers chiding anyone who thinks the Internet is secure (or should be). Well, if you want a secure Internet then you'd better design one that's secure. Until then, cyber privateers could buy us some time. Because a brand new Internet will take some time. And some money.

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Implementation suggestions for THE MORGAN DOCTRINE are most welcome. What are the "Got'chas!"? What questions would some future Cyber Privateering Czar have to answer about this in a Senate confirmation hearing?