Yesterday I got another note from Jeff. I'd previously (on October 22nd, the date of my last post on this subject) sent email (as well as an online form) to my local FBI office. I also cc'd everyone on the list that this was obviously criminal activity. The speed with which the site got shut down amazed me. So today, I filled out a several-page form online with the FBI at the following URL:
The Yahoo email address of my dead friend Jeff Menz ( is being used by criminal organizations to promote discount drugs. As I trace the IP addresses of the domain owners and sites to which the queries are redirected, they start in France, go to India and then to Amsterdam. All the original emails appear to be from my (dead) friend Jeff Menz recommending drugs.
In my opinion, law enforcement is clearly out gunned in the area of cyber crime. Since I wasn't a victim (I honestly reported that my dollar loss from this incident was $0), my request has to be on the bottom of the stack. Multiply this by millions (man, there surely are a lot of widows trying to get their husbands funds out of third-world countries, along with phishing sites), and these are just the unsophisticated petty criminals. The most we ever hear about "the smart" criminals are single line-item notes on financial institutions' securities filings indicating that fraud is below a certain percentage threshold (I was once on the board of directors of a publicly held company, and know the drill). While this meets the minimum requirement for financial reporting, it covers up some pretty wild-west exploits that might cause confidence in international banking to wane.
The only reasonable deterrent to petty crime on the internet is to legalize retaliation, and at the moment such action would seem to involve cyber privateers. Smart, empowered, vicious geniuses out to (1) shut down infrastructure; (2) publicly embarrass crooks; and the most fun of all (3) loot the bank accounts of the crooks and their parent organizations. As for major cime, BFGs going after the smart crooks could make a lot of my cyber entrepreneur friends very rich.
Anybody have a better idea?
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Implementation suggestions for THE MORGAN DOCTRINE are most welcome. What are the "Got'chas!"? What questions would some future Cyber Privateering Czar have to answer about this in a Senate confirmation hearing?