"The last great opportunity of a lifetime—an entire world a war, and I'm left out of it? God will not permit this to happen! I will be allowed to fulfill my destiny!"Long ago, another author named Smith wrote a seminal economic book: Wealth of Nations. That would be Adam Smith, of course. Scott Smith's new book "Boom!" eclipses Adam's in every way (click here to buy the book). Scott is a genius and an early pioneer of structured finance on Wall Street, co-founder of two nationally acclaimed charter schools, and over half a dozen companies in the fields of technology, finance, education and agriculture. In a mere 100 pages and for the meager price of $14.95, Scott opens up a giant can of whupp-ass by completely and unambiguously hacking the world banking system. End of debate.
In a perfect world, Scott should win the Nobel Prize in Economics.
Of course, in a perfect world, Scott would have taken my advice and called his book The Real Wealth of Nations by Scott Smith (acolyte of Adam Smith) and his website (which he did reserve but never enabled) would be ZeroDDT.com.
"ZeroDDT" stands for Zero Deficit, Zero Debt, and Zero Taxes.
That's right. Scott shows how our financial system could be HACKED to produce an economy in which there is no deficit spending, do national debt, and not a stinking penny of income tax. I tried to convince Scott that he should openly campaign to be the next head of the Federal Reserve, where he could oversee the hacking and keep everybody honest.
Then again, in a perfect world the U.S. Congress would be issuing Letter of Marquee and Reprisal to licensed and bonded cyber privateers.
It's not a perfect world. But just maybe Scott can get himself a Nobel Prize.
Stay tuned.
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Implementation suggestions for THE MORGAN DOCTRINE are most welcome. What are the "Got'chas!"? What questions would some future Cyber Privateering Czar have to answer about this in a Senate confirmation hearing?