Monday, July 18, 2011

More from the JCS on cyber offense

Adding to my Saturday report on JCS vice chairman General Cartwright, he appears to understand the problem. He just doesn't appear to be getting his brain around a workable solution. Aviation Week ends their article with the following three paragraphs:

“Every time somebody spends a couple hundred dollars to build a virus, we’ve got to spend millions. So we’re on the wrong side of that. We’ve got to change that around,” he said.

He said part of the answer was in building up the military’s offensive response capabilities.
“How do you build something that convinces a hacker that doing this is going to be costing them and if he’s going to do it, he better be willing to pay the price and the price is going to escalate, rather than his price stays the same and ours escalates,” Cartwright said.
One parting thought, General. If you want to change the risk/reward equation and make probing governments (as you say) "…pay the price…," invoke The Cyber Privateer Doctrine and create a couple of instant hacker billionaires. 

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Implementation suggestions for THE MORGAN DOCTRINE are most welcome. What are the "Got'chas!"? What questions would some future Cyber Privateering Czar have to answer about this in a Senate confirmation hearing?